Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people! = Berjalanlah, berjalanlah melalui pintu-pintu gerbang, persiapkanlah jalan bagi umat, bukalah, bukalah jalan raya, singkirkanlah batu-batu, tegakkanlah panji-panji untuk bangsa-bangsa! (Isaiah/Yesaya 62:10)
Minggu, 06 September 2015
"#Change the #World by #Grace" - "Secrets Of #Leadership From The Shepherd #King" (Part 2) - #video #Indonesia subtitled *Joseph Prince #sermon *The meaning of 70 x 7 = 490 years in the Bible prophecy. *Life testimony of Martin Luther King – first Grace Reformation (salvation and righteousness by faith). *In Christ we have already been rich. *4 gospels, each one has its pict, color and purpose. *With the awareness that the Father's love for you is as much as His love for His only Son, you will conquer the world! ... https://goo.gl/ly8S7f
LaskaR DoA PorodisA TalauD http://ift.tt/1O5asjk
Selasa, 23 Juni 2015
Visi Papua - Api Rekonsiliasi Tuhan
Papua Vision - God’s Fire Of Reconciliation
The Declaration of the Great Jubilee 5776 (2015)
Declaration from the prison at Wamena,
Papua Indonesia - Golden Gate of Israel (English subtitled)
Papua Indonesia - Golden Gate of Israel (English subtitled)
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords, the
God who is sovereign over all powers in heaven, on earth and under the earth,
who is sovereign over all the covenants, herewith we declare:
1. This is the time of the fulfillment of all things. We
have entered into the best season in history — the restoration of all things,
from the negative ones into all the best things. We have entered the golden
time and the peak of all triumphs. Whatever was stolen from our lives, from
Indonesia and from all nations are and have been returned seven folds.
Senin, 22 Juni 2015
Deklarasi Yobel Besar Indonesia
5776 (2015)
Deklarasi di KKR KANJAL (Komunitas Anak Jalanan),
Wamena - Papua, 6 Juni 2015
Wamena - Papua, 6 Juni 2015
Di dalam Nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Tuan di atas segala
tuan, Raja di atas segalanya, Elohim yang berkuasa atas semua otoritas yang ada
di langit dan di bumi dan di bawah bumi, yang berkuasa atas seluruh perjanjian,
kami perkatakan dengan iman bahwa:
1. Inilah masa
penggenapan dari semua yang ada. Musim terbaik yang sedang kita masuki.
Pemulihan dari semua keadaan buruk menjadi keadaan yang terbaik. Masa keemasan
dan puncak dari segala puncak kejayaan sedang kita masuki. Segala yang pernah
dicuri dari hidup kami, Indonesia dan bangsa-bangsa sedang dan sudah
dikembalikan tujuh kali lipat.