Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Christianity Is Moving West Again - To Asia!

(Kekristenan Sedang Bergerak Ke Barat Sekali Lagi - Menuju Asia!)

By Rick Joyner

There is a saying that contains an important insight: "In Jerusalem, Christianity became a religion. In Greece, it became a philosophy. In Rome, it became an institution. In Britain, it became a tradition, and in America, it became an enterprise."

There is some truth to this, and it is not all bad or unintended. The new creation culture that was to be received by all nations was also intended to receive from all nations. This is not to imply that the basic tenets of the faith were to be modified, but that the Gospel would help apply the best of all nations to a culture that would become the highway Isaiah spoke of that would be built to prepare the way for the Lord.

However, some of the worst of these nations also entered into the fabric of Christianity and, to a degree, corrupted the application of the Gospel. Each time the center of gravity for the advancing Church moved, there would be some purification, but not total. In the American Church, we have reflected some the best and worst of religion, philosophy, institutions, traditions, and business all mixed together.

Many have learned to take the best and leave the rest. Some of the most remarkable expressions of Christianity through the Church are now found in America, as well as probably some of the worst. Many Christians from around the world have come to learn from churches in America and have taken what they learned back to their countries. 

Many of these did a great job filtering out what should not be applied in their home countries and have raised up works that are truly exceptional. Now many Americans, and others, are going to them to learn. This interchange has increased dramatically during this time of easy travel and communications. For this reason, there are truly remarkable churches growing up all over the world. 

Church in Asia

As the center of gravity of Christianity moved west from Jerusalem (for the last century it seemed centered in America, even though some of the greatest works and revivals were elsewhere), it is about to make another major leap to the west. The center of gravity of Christianity is going to move to Asia. Then it will find its way back to Jerusalem. (Photo via 

Kekristenan Sedang Bergerak Ke Barat Sekali Lagi - Menuju Asia!

(Christianity Is Moving West Again - To Asia!)

Oleh : Rick Joyner  

Ada pepatah yang mengandung suatu wawasan penting : "Di Yerusalem, Kekristenan menjadi suatu agama. Di Yunani, itu menjadi suatu filsafat. Di Roma, itu menjadi sebuah lembaga. Di Inggris, itu menjadi suatu tradisi, dan di Amerika, itu menjadi suatu perusahaan." 

Ada beberapa kebenaran di dalamnya, dan tidak semuanya buruk atau tidak disengaja. Budaya ciptaan baru yang adalah untuk diterima oleh semua bangsa itu dimaksudkan untuk menerima dari semua bangsa juga. Ini tidak berarti bahwa prinsip dasar iman itu harus diubah, tetapi bahwa Injil akan membantu menerapkan yang terbaik dari semua bangsa kepada suatu budaya yang akan menjadi jalan raya yang tentangnya Yesaya bicarakan akan dibangun untuk mempersiapkan jalan bagi Tuhan. 

Akan tetapi, beberapa dari yang terburuk dari bangsa-bangsa ini juga ikut masuk ke dalam tenunan Kekristenan dan merusak penerapan Injil pada suatu tingkat. Setiap kali pusat gravitasi bagi kemajuan Gereja berpindah, akan ada beberapa pemurnian, tapi tidak menyeluruh. Dalam Gereja Amerika, kita telah mencerminkan beberapa dari yang terbaik dan yang terburuk dari agama, filsafat, lembaga, tradisi dan bisnis, semua bercampur bersama-sama.

Banyak yang telah belajar untuk mengambil yang terbaik dan meninggalkan sisanya. Beberapa ekspresi Kekristenan yang paling luar biasa melalui Gereja sekarang ditemukan di Amerika, demikian juga beberapa dari mungkin yang terburuk. Banyak orang Kristen dari seluruh dunia datang untuk belajar dari gereja-gereja di Amerika dan telah mengambil apa yang mereka pelajari kembali ke negara mereka.

Banyak dari mereka ini melakukan pekerjaan besar dengan menyaring apa yang tidak harus diterapkan di negara asal mereka dan telah mendirikan karya-karya yang benar-benar hebat. Sekarang banyak orang Amerika, dan dari bangsa-bangsa lain, akan datang kepada mereka untuk belajar. Pertukaran tempat ini telah meningkat secara dramatis dalam jaman perjalanan dan komunikasi mudah ini. Untuk alasan ini, ada gereja-gereja yang benar-benar maju luar biasa bertumbuh di seluruh dunia. 

Gereja di Asia

Selagi pusat gravitasi Kekristenan bergerak ke barat dari Jerusalem (selama abad terakhir tampaknya berpusat di Amerika, meskipun beberapa karya terbesar dan kebangunan rohani terjadi di tempat lain), pusat ini sebentar lagi akan membuat lompatan besar lain ke barat. Pusat gravitasi Kekristenan akan pindah ke Asia. Kemudian dia akan menemukan jalan kembali ke Yerusalem. (Foto

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014


Blogger's note: This article has been translated from a booklet which was written for God's movement in Indonesia in 2009. The revelation and the things to do are still relevant to make impact in this end time.

 Written by:
Pst. Petrus Agung Purnomo


But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and ye shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
(Acts 1:8)

That's the last words Jesus said before He ascended and it was not just about the Holy Spirit baptism experience, but it turned out to be a very powerful move of the Spirit. Starting from an attic in Jerusalem, the traveling of the wave of movement with great force of vibration propagates past the dimensions of time and space, actually bolted to the rest of the world in centuries. The waves roll over so much unbelief and sin in the human hearts.

Today it is already 2000 years since the wave started to roll and it has reached the end of the earth. That means the wave will soon be rolling back and this returning waves will move in very powerful strength and speed. From the ends of the earth the waves will proceed to return back to Jerusalem. Where the fire wave flames, it will create a surge of love for Jesus culminates powerfully. Human hearts will turn back to the Father and the return waves will deliver Jesus to His second coming.

Bible prophecy declares that when Jesus returns to earth to begin His millennial kingdom, He will enter through the Eastern Gate which is also known as the Golden Gate.

Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened. And the prince shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate without, and shall stand by the post of the gate, and the priests shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate: then he shall go forth; but the gate shall not be shut until the evening.
(Ezekiel 46:1,2)

The Lord Jesus also stated that His coming back will be like lightning which throws light emanating from the EAST.

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
(Matthew 24:27)