Senin, 30 Agustus 2010


Islam is increasingly a topic of international conversation, and as curiosity about this religion grows. Whether through Saudi funded TV ads or billboards on the sides of public buses declaring that Islam is another Abrahamic faith, it behooves us to understand just what it’s about. The verses from the Quran quoted herein are from the most widely recognized English language translation by Yusuf Ali.

The single most important verse in the Quran for gaining a perspective in understanding is:
Sura 4:157 That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-

Through this single verse the Quran rejects ALL of the New Testament prophets and apostles and the WHOLE SUBJECT of the new covenant, which is salvation through the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

(Baca Terjemahan Indonesia: "Memahami Islam")

Massive solar storm to hit Earth in 2012 with 'force of 100m bombs'

Thu, Aug 26 12:50 PM

Melbourne, Aug 26 (ANI): 

Astronomers are predicting that a massive solar storm, much bigger in potential than the one that caused spectacular light shows on Earth earlier this month, is to strike our planet in 2012 with a force of 100 million hydrogen bombs.

Several US media outlets have reported that NASA was warning the massive flare this month was just a precursor to a massive solar storm building that had the potential to wipe out the entire planet's power grid. ... 


Nubuat Tuhan Sedang Digenapi! / God's Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled!

Hillsong Conference 2010 - Israel Houghton + Sidney Mohede : "HOSANNA!
Israel Houghton:

".. Lagu ini begitu sederhana, namun anda akan menyukainya. Begitu mengagumkan bahwa ada 77 negara diwakilkan di Konferensi ini, benar? Sungguh mengagumkan! Inilah yang saya ingin anda lakukan. Lagu ini akan dimainkan beberapa kali jika anda baru pertama kali mendengar. Tapi saya ingin anda menaruh negara anda di hatimu saat ini. Wakili bangsamu, dan perkatakanlah dengan keras bahwa Raja kita ditinggikan! Hosanna! Hosanna di tempat yang maha tinggi! Saya mau anda melihat Dia ditinggikan di negerimu, di komunitasmu, di gerejamu ..."

Israel Houghton:
".. It is so simple but you will start to like it. It's so amazing that there are 77 nations represent here in this conference, right? How amazing is that? Here is what I want you to do. This song is gonna go through a couple of times if you have it for the first time - you hear it. But I want you to take your nation in your heart right now. Take your nation, and just say it loudly that our King be lifted up! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest! I want you to see Him be lifted up over your nation, your community, your church ..."

Yes, Islam is anti-Semitic

In October 2002, 202 people were murdered in a terror attack on the island of Bali in Indonesia. The dead included 88 Australians, 38 Indonesians, 24 British and not a single Jew. So was it connected to Israel? Consider this:
One of the 2002 Bali bombers, Amrozi bin Nurhasin, on trial in an Indonesian courtroom and headed toward execution, shouted out the message he wanted his crime to convey: “Jews: Remember Khaibar. The army of Muhammad is coming back to defeat you.”
And what did this terrorist mean? ...

Read more here

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Shari'ah Spreads In Indonesia - Christianity Today, April 2009 Edition; (And how is it now?)

As candidates hit the campaign trail in preparation for July's presidential election, Indonesian rights groups have voiced strong opposition to an increasing number of Shari'ah-inspired laws they say discriminate against religious minorities and violate Indonesia's policy of the Pancasila, or "unity in diversity."

With President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono likely to form a coalition with Islamic parties for the election, such laws could become a key campaign issue.

Although Aceh is the only province governed by Shari'ah, more than 50 regencies in 16 of Indonesia's 32 provinces have passed some 600 Shari'ah-influenced laws following the Regional Autonomy Law of 2000.

The laws vary widely. Legislation in Padang requires both Muslim and non-Muslim women to wear headscarves, while a law in Tangerang allows women found "loitering" on the street after 10 p.m. to be arrested for prostitution. Other laws include stipulations for Qur'an literacy among schoolchildren and severe punishment for adultery, alcoholism, and gambling.

Freedom of religion is guaranteed by Article 29 of Indonesia's constitution, yet some regencies have adopted Shari'ah in a way that further marginalizes minority groups, said Syafi'i Anwar, executive director of the International Center for Islam and Pluralism. Citing the Padang headscarf example, he said, "This is unacceptable because it is not in line with the pluralism that the constitution recognizes."

While Indonesia's largest Muslim group, Nahdlatul Ulama, has publicly denounced the implementation of such laws, other groups actively support them.

Read more here

Nubuat Untuk Indonesia

01 Mei 2003
Category: Prophetic Words, Asia

Oleh: Cindy Jacobs
Aku telah mendengar doa-doamu. Aku telah mendengarkan tangisan-tangisanmu. Aku telah melihat umat-Ku datang bersama-sama. Engkau tidak bisa membayangkan apa yang sedang bersiap-siap Aku lakukan. Sebab Aku akan memulihkan negeri ini.

Dan Tuhan berkata, sebagai suatu pertanda bahwa Aku akan memulihkan negeri ini, lihatlah industri perikanan. Sebab Aku akan memanggil ikan [jiwa] dari ujung-ujung bumi ke Indonesia. Dan Aku bersiap-siap untuk membuka sumber-sumber baru. Aku akan membuka [sumber] minyak. Aku akan mulai membuka kelimpahan dari lautan. Aku bersiap-siap membuat tanah ini menjadi subur. Tuhan berkata engkau akan melihat penuaian-penuaian itu meningkat dan meningkat. Engkau bahkan akan melihat di berita-berita bahwa panen-panen tanaman berbiji dan panen-panen padi berlipat dua.

Kita akan mengundang hadirat Roh Kudus. Roh Kudus, kami menyambut Engkau datang ke Indonesia. Kami menyambut Engkau datang ke orang-orang Sudan, orang-orang Melayu, orang-orang Sumatra.

Prophecy For Indonesia

May 01, 2003 
Category: Prophetic Words, Asia
By: Cindy Jacobs
(Baca terjemahan Indonesianya di: Nubuat untuk Indonesia)

I have heard your prayers. I have listened to your cries. I have seen my people coming together. You cannot imagine what I am getting ready to do. For I am going to heal this land.
And the Lord says, as a sign that I am going to heal this land, look to the fishing industry. For I am going to call fish from the ends of the earth to Indonesia. And I am getting ready to open up new resources. I am going to open up oil. I am going to begin to open up the abundance from the waters. I am getting ready to cause the land to be fertile. The Lord says you will see the harvests increasing and increasing. For even you will see on the news that the grain harvest and the rice harvest are doubling. We are going to invite the presence of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit we welcome you into Indonesia. We welcome you into the Sudanese people, the Malaya people, the people of Sumatra.
The Lord says, look to the military. For I am going to bring a great revival to the military. And there is going to be many miracles in the military. And the Lords say, Indonesia military will be my army.
The Lord gave me a promise last September that there will be a day when the violence will no longer be heard in the land of Indonesia. You see, the Lord is saying that He wants to stop the violence here. I mean earlier today, I challenged you to a forty-day time of twenty-four hour worship. So, it is good to heed those words.