Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Panggilan Akhir Zaman - End Time Calling (bilingual)


Gerakan akhir zaman Tuhan semakin luarbiasa di Indonesia dan di seluruh dunia. Janji nubuatan Tuhan semakin digenapi antara lain bahwa di akhir zaman umat-Nya akan semakin memahami nubuatan-Nya. "Tetapi engkau, Daniel, sembunyikanlah segala firman itu, dan meteraikanlah Kitab itu sampai pada akhir zaman; banyak orang akan menyelidikinya, dan pengetahuan akan bertambah." -Daniel 12:4. Tuhan telah semakin membukakan rahasia akhir zaman kepada umat-Nya!

Sudah jelas bahwa Papua Indonesia adalah Gerbang Emas bumi. Saat ini secara fisik di depan Gerbang Emas di Yerusalem ada banyak kuburan yang telah sengaja diletakkan oleh bangsa Arab dengan alasan bahwa Mesias tidak akan sudi melewati tanah itu untuk masuk ke Golden Gate menggenapi nubuat akhir zaman (Yehezkiel 44:1-3), karena seorang Imam tidak boleh menajiskan diri dengan berdekatan dengan mayat (Im. 21:11). Roh antikristus [roh maut] akan selalu berusaha menghalangi rencana -bahkan membunuh [Roh] Kristus!

Gerbang Emas dan areal pekuburan di depannya

(The Golden Gate with the burial ground in front of it)


Secara rohani saat ini nyata bahwa Indonesia memiliki mayoritas penduduk Muslim. Tuhan telah berkata bahwa kita hanya bisa mengalahkan kematian dengan kehidupan[-Nya], kejahatan dengan kebaikan, kegelapan dengan terang, kebencian dengan kasih. Karena itu marilah berhenti bersikap mendendam ataupun bersikap acuh tak acuh terhadap saudara-saudara Muslim kita, sesama keturunan Abraham!

Tuhan Yesus telah berkuasa atas maut! Bahkan sebelum kebangkitan-Nya dari kubur, ketika orang kusta / berdosa / najis (seperti perempuan pendarahan 12 tahun) menyentuh-Nya, bukan Tuhan yang dinajiskan tapi merekalah yang disucikan / disembuhkan oleh kuasa-Nya! Dia bisa saja berjalan melewati Gerbang Emas itu saat ini, namun Dia ingin dan telah merencanakan untuk bekerja sama dengan kita dalam mempersiapkan jalan bagi Dia untuk datang kembali kedua kalinya untuk memerintah di bumi!

Karena itu saudara-saudaraku yang dikasihi Tuhan Yesus, marilah bersama-sama kita mengangkat senjata rohani Kristus, menghancurkan roh maut yang terus berusaha menudungi Indonesia - Gerbang Emas ini dengan mengasihi, mengampuni, berdoa dan bersaksi kepada saudara-saudara Muslim! Bergabunglah dalam gerakan global Tuhan di akhir zaman ini melalui Facebook | Radical Christians Loving Muslims

= http://www.facebook.com/muslims4heaven
= http://www.facebook.com/pages/Radical-Christians-Loving-Muslims/129508967064418

Marilah bersama-sama kita naik mengatasi badai dengan sayap Sang Rajawali: semakin dewasa dalam karakter Kristus, siap menjadi mempelai-Nya!!

Marilah kita membawa kemuliaan Allah kembali ke Yerusalem!!


God's end time movement is getting greater in Indonesia and all over the world. The prophesied promises of God are fulfilled more and more, such as that in the end time His people will understand the prophecies even more. "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." -Daniel 12:4. God has revealed the end time secrets more and more to His people!

It is obvious that Papua Indonesia is the earthly Golden Gate (please learn the [first] links of the group or from its info ( http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=194526419114&v=info)). In this very moment physically in front of the Golden Gate Jerusalem there is a lot of burials which were put there intentionally by the Arabs, with the motive that the Messiah would not dare to pass the land to get in the Golden Gate in fulfilling the prophecy (Ezekiel 44:1-3), because a Priest should not defile himself by getting near with dead bodies (Lev. 21:11). The Antichrist spirit [spirit of death] will always trying to hinder the plan, even to kill [the Spirit of] Christ!

Spiritually nowadays Indonesia has a majority of muslim population. God has said that we are only able to defeat death with [His] life, evil with goodness, darkness with light, hatred with love. Therefore, let us cease from having the attitude of revenge nor the ignorance attitude towards our Muslim brethren, the same Abraham descendants!

The Lord Jesus has overcome the death! Even before His resurrection from the grave, when the leprocies / sinners / fealty people (such as the woman with an issue of blood twelve years) touched Him, the Lord was not defiled by them but they were cleaned / healed by His power! He could walk through the Golden Gate today, but He wants and has planned to cooperate with us in preparing the way for Him to come again for the second time to reign on the earth!

Therefore, my brethren, who are loved by the Lord Jesus, let us all together lift up the spiritual welfare of Christ to destroy the spirit of death which keeps on trying to cover in Indonesia - the Golden Gate, by loving, forgiving, praying for and witnessing to Muslim brethren! Join the global movement of God in this end time through Facebook | Radical Christians Loving Muslims

= http://www.facebook.com/muslims4heaven

= http://www.facebook.com/pages/Radical-Christians-Loving-Muslims/129508967064418

Let us all together get up to the higher level, we'll overcome the storm on the wings of The Eagle: reach the maturity in Christ characters, be prepared to be His Bride!!

Let’s bring the glory of God back to Jerusalem!!

♥ ✡ ♥

Come and join the group of


= http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=194526419114

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